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After more than 3 years of research and development, we launched Gwilen in early 2020 to develop projects with our innovative material. Based in Brest, we launched the production and marketing of the material in 2021.

We are constantly looking for designers to develop new partnerships, do not hesitate to contact us! We will also soon be looking for new talents ready to join our team to ensure all its developments.

The partners

Portrait Yann Santerre


Partner and founder of GWILEN. He holds a double degree in architecture and engineering, jointly from the Ecole d'Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires in Marne la Vallée (EAVT) and the Ponts et Chaussées. President of GWILEN, Yann is in charge of the general management, he also develops GWILEN's new projects and carries out feasibility studies, especially for custom-made projects.

SCAU architecture. Mathieu Cabannes, architecte associé © Photo Alexandre Guirkinger - small


Partner of GWILEN. Mathieu holds a double degree in engineering and architecture from the Ecole Polytechnique and the Ecole d'Architecture de la Ville et des Territoires in Marne la Vallée (EAVT). Mathieu is also a partner in an architectural firm and anticipates the development of new products for the construction industry based on his expertise and experience in large-scale architectural projects.



Associée de GWILEN. Titulaire d’un Master du Programme Grande Ecole d’Audencia Nantes Ecole de Management. Delphine a travaillé 10 ans en conseil sur des missions de transformations d'organisations, notamment en tant que manager en marketing digital. Elle a rejoint l'équipe début 2022 afin d'accompagner le passage à l’échelle de GWILEN, plus particulièrement sur les aspects commerciaux et financiers.

Team members

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Guillemette CARDINAUD

Responsable R&D

Ingénieure matériaux diplômée de Centrale Nantes et titulaire d'un doctorat en génie civil. Guillemette est en charge de mener le programme R&D de GWILEN, afin d’aller plus loin dans la compréhension de notre matériau et mettre en place de nouvelles applications. Elle a rejoint notre équipe en décembre 2022.


Clément DURANT

Responsable d'atelier

Ingénieur diplômé de l'Ecole Supérieure du Bois de Nantes, spécialité Méthode et Process, et d'un CAP Menuiserie des Compagnons du Devoir, Clément a rejoint notre équipe début 2023 en tant que Responsable d'atelier.



Ouvrier de production

Titulaire d'un Master Design de la Transition à l'EESAB ainsi que d'une licence en Design d'Objet spécialité céramique à l'ENSA Limoges, Antoine a rejoint notre équipe à l'atelier début 2023.

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Alternant génie des matériaux
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Thibault MAINGOT

Alternant génie des matériaux


Since the launch of our project and our first tests on the process, we are supported by many partners showing us their confidence in our project.

The Brittany region supports the GWILEN project through Emergys, an incubator for innovative projects in Brittany, which we obtained in 2019. For our installation in Brest, the region also supported us for the financing of some machines thanks to the Pass Invest TPE, obtained at the end of 2020.

GWILEN is fortunate to be a partner of Marque Bretagne, a territory brand serving the attractiveness of Brittany. Because Brittany inspired this project, because we are based there, and because we believe that Brittany is a place of positive values, we are proud to wear the colors of our beautiful region.

Brest Métropole supports GWILEN in particular through the call for projects "Succeeding in transitions in the economy", which we obtained at the end of 2019, for the establishment of our pilot unit in Brest and the development of our innovative solution.

The Brest-Iroise technopole has been following the GWILEN project since it started. It supports us in the structuring of our project on all the innovative aspects of our solution.

GWILEN is integrated in the ENSTARTUP incubator of ENSTA Bretagne, which supports us in the structuring of the company.

GWILEN is also part of Matériaupôle, an incubator specialized in the construction sector and innovative materials.

GWILEN has been selected to integrate in 2019 the incubator of the Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB), the CSTB'lab, which helps us in the standardization process of our material.

The project was awarded the CMB's Trophée des Idées Neuves (New Ideas Trophy) in early 2020 for its innovative aspect and its strong potential.

GWILEN won the Coup de Pouce prize from the Le Roch les Mousquetaires Foundation, for its innovative aspect and its ambition to create local jobs.

GWILEN was supported by the Jean Guyomarc'h Foundation, for its innovative aspect and to support the continuation of our R&D.

GWILEN is the winner of La Fabrique Abeille Assurances 2021 (formerly La Fabrique Aviva 2021) for the Western region. 

GWILEN is the 2022 winner of Cleantech Open France in the 'Sustainable Construction and Real Estate' category. 

GWILEN is a Crisalide Industrie 2022 winner in the 'Competitiveness through local development' category.

GWILEN is the winner of the Breton Trophies of Sustainable Development 2022 in the Company category. The Trophies are supported by the region of Brittany and by the ADEME.

Discover below the video on GWILEN made for the occasion!

GWILEN est lauréat 2022 du concours Med’Innovant organisé par Euroméditerranée, sur le Défi #1 Construction et matériaux : Développer des dispositifs permettant de favoriser l’économie circulaire dans l’aménagement